We come to you with a host of services and take pride in the fact of being recognized as a leading provider of web development and web designing services in Bangalash, rendering efficient commercial business applications, mobile apps and helping businesses to manage workflow, boost productivity, information security, data storage, data convergence and implement better disaster recovery solution.

        Below are the major products & services we are dealing with:

EHR & Prescription Management Software for Doctors in Bangladesh
EHR & Prescription Software


Software Development Course

Software is everywhere these days: phones, TVs, cars, vending machines, coffee makers, and pet toys all offer some software driven features. All of these products have been created by groups of people that have organized with the goal of making electronic signals behave in a desirable pattern. In short, software development is the overall process involved when taking a software project from conception to production delivery. This process encompases the design, documentation, programming, testing and ongoing maintenance of a software deliverable. These various aspects are used to create a workflow pipeline, a sequence of steps that when followed produce high quality software deliverables. This pipeline is known as the Software Development Lifecycle. The art of software development has many deep schools of thought. The following discussion is not a comprehensive guide, but a overview of the most recognized techniques. Software development today is generally executed with a complementary agile project management process. This process is in-effect during steps 3 and 4 from the Software Development Lifecycle. A regular planning period is conducted in which expectations are set, dependencies are addressed and tasks defined. The tasks are executed and adjusted during a sprint period. During the sprint period these tasks are updated as they progress to completion. Specialized organizational software for task tracking, like Jira, is used to monitor the state of individual task within a holistic sprint view.

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